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The nation's No. 1 offensive tackle sees the Vols

Class of 2021 five-star offensive tackle Amarius Mims spent Monday in Knoxville getting his first look at the Vols.

“I like how the coaches are very real,” Mims said. “Just how they talk to you. They are very real. They tell you how it is. They tell you the 100% truth. Stuff like we don’t guarantee anyone will start, but with hard work you will play.

“It’s not a big sales pitch which is important to me. I don’t want someone telling me something then you get there and it’s the opposite. Trust is an important thing with me.”

Mims got a tour of all the facilities and time with academics where he hopes to major in sports management. But much of his day was with the Tennessee coaching staff where he was obviously a huge priority. And the 6-7, 318 pound Georgia native enjoyed his team with them particularly offensive line coach Will Friend.

“Coach Friend is a great offensive line coach. He knows what he’s doing,” Mims said as the two watched tape together.

For Mims, finding a school will center around a couple of things things.

“Who is the best at what I am going to major in and where can I play early,” Mims offered. “It’s real important that they have played young guys since they have been here.”

Another important factor is the fact that the Vols have showed improvement under Jeremy Pruitt’s watch.

“It’s real important. Coach told me that before he came it was a mess. They have turned it around and started winning games.”

Tennessee faces plenty of competition for Mims who has already seen Georgia, Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Florida State, South Carolina, and Clemson. He will be back at Alabama next week.

Mims rise to the number one offensive tackle in the country and the number two overall prospect is pretty remarkable considering he has play offense for one season at Bleckley County High School.

“I was reluctant to make the move. I was used to playing defense then coach told me I was built like an offensive tackle so I tried it out,” Mims explained. “I was really surprised at how easy the position came to me. My quickness and ability to run is a big help.”

Despite the limited experience at the position, colleges are salivating over Mims and his potential. A potential that Mims believes if far enough along for him to make an early impact at the college level.

“I feel like I’m capable of playing early,” Mims said. “As an offensive tackle I have been kind of good with it. I feel like with another year at it I feel like I can be pretty good. I can bend and move.”

With Mims being a star attraction at Bleckley County, plenty of college coaches will be by the next two weeks and this spring seeking his signature next December. Mims hopes to have his recruitment over well before the early signing day.

“I plan to take all my officials first before I make my decision,” Mims offered. “I will probably take them in the summer. I would like to have a decision before my senior year if I can come to it.”
